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Showing posts from November, 2014

Just What the World Needs, Another Blog...

Someone once told me that the one thing they feared most in life, even over death, was a blank page… At the time I remember not understanding this, as, for myself, writing brings forth a feeling of both freedom and connection. It offers a sort of calm from the chaos brewing within the folds of my gray matter and provides a quiet place to simply be… So, today, as I begin my journey of blogging, I do so fully understanding that the fear of a blank page is a reality... It never ceases to amaze me how death or the possibility of death changes one's perspective.  In June, our dear family friend, dave (Yes, lowercase D.), was awaiting a possibly terminal diagnosis.  dave, a published writer and photographer, has always seemed to effortlessly capture the simple moments in life and display proof that we are, in fact, alive. Over the years, dave has been one of the few people that I have shared my love of writing and photography with. We have engaged in many wonderful conversations